Work Ethic

Want an Extra Hour of Time Every Day?

Contrary to what most people think—or allow—managing your time is not a democracy. We also don’t suffer from time deprivation because of other people’s incessant need for our attention. There are three primary reasons we’re starved for time: We don’t know when to prioritize, how to prioritize, or how to maintain our priorities. But, if you want an extra hour of time every day, I have some techniques that will provide immediate results.

How to Achieve Goals: Out of Reach but in Sight

A few years ago, I gave a speech to the Western Golf Association Evans Scholar Foundation. That speech, which addressed leadership and goal-accomplishing tactics, later become a book called Out of Reach but in Sight: Using Goals to Achieve Your Impossible. I've released portions of that speech as a series of blog posts so

12 Things to Do During College to Get the Life You Want

According to the Institute of Education Services, over 21 million students will attend an American college or university this year. Assuming there are roughly twice as many nail-biting parents concerned their sons and daughters might complete their education four years older and none the wiser, I’d like to offer some ideas to

What is a Goal? Out of Reach but in Sight

A few years ago, I gave a speech to the Western Golf Association Evans Scholar Foundation. That speech, which addressed leadership and goal-accomplishing tactics, later become a book called Out of Reach but in Sight: Using Goals to Achieve Your Impossible. I'm releasing portions of that speech, starting several minutes in, as