Career Goals

Master Your Craft | Become an Expert

I’m covering 10 steps I’d take to become a master of my trade. This is exactly what I did to become the career coach as you know me. It’s what I literally do on a weekly basis to be the absolute best coach I can be and stay ahead of the pack. It’s a sweet complement to the lesson I gave on previously on how to build your overall career development and skill building plan.

How to Build Your Career Development Plan Step by Step | Guide Included!

My opinion is “professional growth” is a maze. Honestly. Have you ever felt lost, unsure of which skills to prioritize, or how to chart your career path effectively? These are common challenges many people face, resulting in unrealized potential (ouch, again) and missed opportunities. In our professional, post-academic, world, traditional guidance is scarce and we’re left to figure it out on our own. I'm here to help you...

The Step You Must Take to Maximize Your Career Success!

There’s Mount Olympus Mons. The tallest mountain in the solar system. True. Or, if you haven’t been to Mars to climb that doozie, perhaps you wanna hike up Mount Everest here on Earth. I hear Asia is lovely this time of year. Honestly, though, I just care about climbing Mount Andy. Maybe you want to focus on climbing Mount Whatever-Your-Name-Is.

5 Productivity Tips to Get Things Done!

We've got a lot of demands on us. People want access to us 24/7. Other requests come at us constantly. Not to mention, we have daily activities, plans and hobbies we want to accomplish! These 5 tips are the underlying foundation about how I operate everything in my life to be more productive.

Salary Negotiation Tactics That Get You Paid More!

Inside today's video on salary negotiation, I hit over a dozen tips, tricks, tactics, and secrets related to the Dos and Don’ts of building your negotiation power. I cover BEFORE the process starts, continue to when you actually start, during the job interviews, at the true negotiation, and, of course, round it out with your inevitable counteroffer on your way to the bank.