Career Growth

How to Build Your Career Development Plan Step by Step | Guide Included!

My opinion is “professional growth” is a maze. Honestly. Have you ever felt lost, unsure of which skills to prioritize, or how to chart your career path effectively? These are common challenges many people face, resulting in unrealized potential (ouch, again) and missed opportunities. In our professional, post-academic, world, traditional guidance is scarce and we’re left to figure it out on our own. I'm here to help you...

8 Steps to Beat Imposter Syndrome

Ever have moments where self-doubt creeps in, making you question your abilities? Then, it steamrolls and you start to worry about accomplishing your goals? Imposter syndrome can hinder personal and professional growth, but I'm here to help you conquer it and unleash your true potential! These steps are designed to not only help you overcome imposter syndrome, but lead to greater, overall success and fulfillment.