5 Most Difficult Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them
Learn the 5 most difficult, tricky, negative job interview questions and my bulletproof formula for answering all of them.
Learn the 5 most difficult, tricky, negative job interview questions and my bulletproof formula for answering all of them.
In the spirit of generously and goodness, today’s message is chock-full of my favorite free downloads and totally-loaded webinars. Plus, I want to remind you about my absolutely beloved workshop and famous free event of the year, the Job Search Challenge®! Yes, I’m bringing out my 5-day banger early this year so we can get your job search supercharged during this peak hiring time!
It’s not about what the interviewer asks. It’s about what the interviewer needs to know—so they hire YOU! After you watch this, you’ll wonder why you ever prepared differently. You’ll also start seeing magical results…
10 nifty ways to punch up your resume and job interview stories to sound more accomplished, senior, and all-around desirable!
Just because you ask a question and get an answer doesn’t mean you got THE correct information. Or, know HOW to use the information. So, for completeness’ sake, I’ll tell you what to ask, what information you need to make sure the interviewer provides, and how to use the information to score better and get paid more. Get after it with 3 powerful questions in a job interview!
You, as an employee, work on something that contributes to one or more of these 8 areas. Otherwise, you don’t have a job. Whether you’re putting together your résumé or explaining a story in a job interview, you need to highlight how you’ve contributed to these areas.
It’s titled this video The Job Interview Formula Guaranteed to Get You Hired (CAAR) because, well, it’s an actual formula, which, if you use it, I pinky swear, you’ll get hired. It literally, IMHO, is one of, if not, THE, very best videos I’ve created on how to answer questions—like ANY question—in a job interview...
Today, I’m running through the “You’re overqualified,” scenario which, unfortunately, all-too-many job seekers hear. I mean, if they think this, why are they even talking to you? It’s a veiled concern about your fit or salary or whatever. We all know it. But, does that mean we need to throw in the towel? You know I’m all about the art of the possible…
Every week, I meet individually with 15-18 people to help them with their job searches, interviews, and salary negotiations. Inevitably, I get questions such as… "Coach, I had this interview. The recruiter talked the entire time. Didn’t ask me a single question. What should I have done?” “Andy, the interviewer started the interview with ‘What questions do you have for me?’ and I wasn’t sure what to do! Why would they do that?” “How should I answer a question like, ‘Why shouldn’t we hire you?’” You get the idea. Let’s put these and other odd situations to bed once and for all!
This video teaches how your résumé affects what questions a job interviewer will ask you. You’ll also be able to immediately detect, based on the questions the interviewer is asking, whether you’re crushing it or digging yourself out of a hole...