High Performance

You’ll Never Know How Great You Can Be Unless You Do This

My entire life, I just needed to know. I’d never let myself wonder. How great could I be? The not knowing would just kill me. A regret I’d never let myself live with. Ever feel this way? Ever wonder how good you could be at something if you let yourself be? If you—literally—gave it your all? After going through my entire career (eh, life) all-out with no brakes (yes, I meant brakes not breaks), I’ve learned a thing or two about being a maestro...

7-Step Challenge | Your Employee Readiness Swiss Army Knife!

Is this not THE BEST time to start reviewing the current year, getting ready for your annual evaluation, promotion discussion, and pay raise? How about freshening up your resume and LinkedIn profile just in case? And, let’s not forget to start capturing our accomplishments, assessing our skills, and setting targets and goals for 2025!

My Gift to Find Your Gift [A Passage from The Zebra Code]

Have you ever seen the movie When Harry Met Sally? It’s a hoot, especially the part when they’re on the phone and Harry tells Sally… “When I buy a new book, I always read the last page first. That way, in case I die before I finish, I know how it ends.” Well, in that gulp-inducing spirit, I want to share with you the very last official chapter of my book The Zebra Code.

The Step You Must Take to Maximize Your Career Success!

There’s Mount Olympus Mons. The tallest mountain in the solar system. True. Or, if you haven’t been to Mars to climb that doozie, perhaps you wanna hike up Mount Everest here on Earth. I hear Asia is lovely this time of year. Honestly, though, I just care about climbing Mount Andy. Maybe you want to focus on climbing Mount Whatever-Your-Name-Is.