Tools for Productivity

The 10 Most Valuable Life Skills Are Actually Choices

It is mind boggling to me people still stumble when it comes to being effective in their work and life. I say this because the ten most valuable life skills are actually choices. I couldn’t care less what God-given talents you have (or lack). It makes no difference how skilled or educated you are. (It really doesn’t and please don’t make me go get my statistics about performance and billionaires.) When it comes right down to it, most of what makes you successful in life are your choices. Your choices will always trump your circumstances.

Want an Extra Hour of Time Every Day?

Contrary to what most people think—or allow—managing your time is not a democracy. We also don’t suffer from time deprivation because of other people’s incessant need for our attention. There are three primary reasons we’re starved for time: We don’t know when to prioritize, how to prioritize, or how to maintain our priorities. But, if you want an extra hour of time every day, I have some techniques that will provide immediate results.

12 Reasons Your Hard Work Isn’t Making You Successful

Hard work sometimes pays off. Smart thinking combined with smart work will always pay off in the long run even if you stumble in the short term. You work hard. You put in the excessive hours. You work tirelessly on personal projects. How often have you wondered why you’re not further along in your career or life? Learn these 12 reasons your hard work isn’t making you successful.

5 Minutes of This Every Day Will Improve Your Life

One daily exercise I’ve practiced religiously is visualization. Five minutes of this every day will improve your life dramatically. But, you need to know what to visual and how. Imagine yourself at your “destination.” What’s it like? How does it feel? How does it sound? What will this end-state allow you to do?

The Ultimate 22-Year-Old’s Survival Guide for Work & Life

Writing several articles for recent college graduates and young professionals over the past few years has caused me to reflect on how I would have lived my life differently had someone provided me three decades worth of experience on day one of my first full-time job. I hope The Ultimate 22-Year-Old's Survival Guide for Work & Life will help the many young professionals get started down the right path!

The 3 Real Reasons You Can’t Stay Focused

When all is stripped away from the things you turn to when you’re unable or unwilling to concentrate, you’ll find there are three real reasons you can’t stay focused. I’m referring to the focus of your life, project, goals or anything else that provides your figurative north pole. Let’s try to build you a compass.

4 Most Devastating Career Behaviors

Careers limp along or are dismantled because of behaviors, not decisions. You might fall into the trap of thinking you made a poor choice here or joined the wrong company there. Others endlessly ponder position changes or promotions they forwent. I assure you, those mini decisions (as major as you think they are) cause minor-league damage compared to the big boy stuff I’m about to share.