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Been invited back for a second job interview and want to make sure to ace it? Join career expert and award-winning author Andrew LaCivita as he discusses the second job interview: 3 tips to get hired!
Let’s talk about the second job interview. You know the one. They loved you so much the first time, they invited you back!
I’m going to give you three great tips. These are the exact same three tips I gave one of my Interview Intervention Course students, Hannah. She used them to get the job on her second interview. [Hannah, if you’re watching, shout out to you. Hope you’re enjoying the new job!
For the rest of you, I want you to know the second interviews are not much different—tactically—than the first interviews.
All those videos I’ve created on job interview tactics and my FREE webinar 3 Keys to Ace Any Job Interview will teach you how to answer and ask questions in a job interview. Use all that as foundational stuff.
The second interview is about building deeper connections…
The second job interview is about building a deeper connection, a deeper relationship, and more chemistry with the entire company.
It is about getting them to imagine you as part of the team. You want them to feel as though you’re part of the team.
So, how do you do that?
Sometimes when you’re invited back, you are speaking with the same people you spoke with the first time, sometimes they’re new people, and sometimes it’s a mixture.
Use these tactics across the board and adjust appropriately based on who you’re speaking with…
- Ask Again.
The first technique I would use is when you are speaking with somebody you have previously spoken with (whether on the phone or in an interview).
Ask about something you’ve already spoken about. I call this the “ask again” technique.
Say, “Last time I was here you mentioned [insert whatever here]. It really stuck with me. I thought more about it and I wanted to get more insight into that as it relates to [insert whatever here.] Could you elaborate…”
This starts a deeper discussion on something you’ve already spoken about. Going deeper into the conversation on something both of you consider very important builds a deeper relationship.
- Ask More.
The second tactic is to ask additional (new) questions. If you are speaking with somebody who you’ve previously spoken with previously, you want to make sure you’re asking him or her a new batch of questions.
If you’re speaking with someone you haven’t spoken with, make sure you have lots and lots of great questions.
Good questions show you are well-researched and you are very, very interested in investigating this company further. And, you’re doing it in a smart way.
- Be Inclusive.
The third tip is to be inclusive of other people. By that I mean, reference conversations you’ve had with others in the organization. [You can even use this in the first round of interviews.]
Whether you’re speaking with somebody you previously spoken with or you’re speaking with new people, one the best tactics you can use is to refer to what you and someone spoke about and then ask for their opinion.
For example, “I talked with Susie the other day and she mentioned [insert whatever here]. I loved that and I’d like to get your insight on that. Could you elaborate on that as it relates to [insert whatever here]?”
Consider the person you’re interviewing. Whether he or she is a subordinate of Susie’s, a peer, or a superior, you can adjust the angle of trajectory of your questioning and take it in the direction of that particular individual.
You’re showing them you enjoyed speaking with Susie, you found what she said delightful, and also want their opinion.
You value their opinion and they with naturally see you as a team player. [You certainly sound like one!]
As you start to reference others in the organization in a sincere way, the interviewer will start to feel like you are part of the team.
As a bonus, this gives you an opportunity to make sure there is a level of consistency across their responses. Are they all on the same page?
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Helpful tips on delving deeper into the questioning but it goes both ways too. The candidate has to be prepared to offer more details too.
Thanks Judy! Glad you liked it!
Great tips, waiting on third interview to be set up with CFO. These are wonderful tips on preparing for the next step. Thank you!…PS Got the book, Thanks!- Jeff B
You’re welcome buddy!
Always enjoy reviewing your material on interviewing and career search! Good news, I’m heading to a second face to face interview on Monday. Not sure if the same hiring manager will be present but she asked me to meet her colleagues in Richmond (about 120 miles away) . I like these 2nd interview points! Wish me luck!
Thank you so much for bringing up this topic. I believe lots of job seekers have encountered this part of interview many time and dont know how to approach it including me. Now I can work confidently into any interview room .Thanks once again.
You’re so welcome!!!