You know what makes me sad?

YouTube video titles.

Lemme tell ya why.

I have a video for you today. It’s a beauty (I think).

I needed to attach a title to it because that’s a law in YouTubeland.

I really wish I had unlimited characters and could give you a full brief about what’s in store for you when you click that link.

The title I chose was Job Search Obstacles Preventing You from Success.

It is accurate. Technically.

What I share is an obstacle that prevents you from getting everything you want out of your job search.

What I really wanted to title it was…

Andy’s Surefire Method to Show You How Awesome You Are and How Much Meaning Your Life Has and How If You Look at the World This Way You Will Never Have a Sad Day for the Rest of Your Life.

That’s really what the video is about.

Yes, I have a fabulous story about job searching and Susan and how I transformed her interpretation of an assignment she had developing a spreadsheet.

To her, she thought her work activity sounded mundane.

To me, it sounded like she did something important that helped (literally) thousands of music artists get accurately paid (literally again) millions of dollars they were not properly receiving on time or at all.

Not to be fussy, but I liked my interpretation a wee bit better.

Maybe you walk through life this way…thinking you don’t matter much?

Or, thinking what you do doesn’t matter much?

Here, please try on my sweet rose-colored glasses so you can see what I see…



RESUME TEMPLATE: One that actually gets job interviews! Download here.
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Andrew LaCivita is a world-leading career and leadership coach and award-winning author of Interview Intervention and The Hiring Prophecies. Throughout his career, he has helped 350 companies and over 60,000 individuals across 100 countries realize their potential. He frequently serves as a trusted media resource for outlets such as ABC, Fox Business, and Business Insider. You can join him at the milewalk Academy and catch him weekly for free Live Office Hours on his YouTube Channel.