We’re not in a recession at the moment, but I don’t like to be late to the party.

Even if we enter a recession, I don’t want you to panic for a few reasons.

First, panic doesn’t do anyone any good.

Second, you have me.

Third, there are always opportunities for you regardless of whether your world is zigging or zagging.

You just need the right perspective.

How you look at something has almost everything to do with what you see.

For example, here’s how I process the world…

When the market goes up, people need my job searching services to max out their job opps and crank up their pay.

When the market goes down, people need my job searching services to overcome the more difficult challenges in getting hired.

When some industries zig, others zag. At any moment, some people need my “crank up your pay” services and others need my “overcome challenges” services.

I’m ALWAYS needed.

Think I’m unique? Think again.

Same goes for you.

It’s all in how you choose to look at it.

Recently, Rachel, one of my beloved #BOOTCAMPERS, asked me, “Which industries do you predict are most likely to grow during this economic downturn?”

First, I clarified for her, we are not in an economic downturn.

Sure, the news people might be doing their level best to scare you. That’s the thing about “the news.” They only talk about the tiniest of extremes. If it bleeds, it leads. They’re in business (yes, business) to make money, not be a public service that actually delivers “the news.”

They package up the most sensationalized extremes to get your eyes, ears, clicks, etc. You think what you’re seeing is pervasive and normal. Then you become frightened. Then you call your children and tell them to stay in the house.

Andy Sunshine is here to tell, that while you’re allowed to have rough stretches, all is generally wonderful and he wants to make YOUR world a better place.

So, after I clarified that bit of economic reality for Rachel, I gave her the goods on HOW to think through which markets will thrive and HOW to think through your job search should your particular industry take a turn for the worse.

Take in this week’s video on How to Job Search During a Recession and learn exactly how to maneuver through any employment environment.



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Andrew LaCivita is a world-leading career and leadership coach and award-winning author of Interview Intervention and The Hiring Prophecies. Throughout his career, he has helped 350 companies and over 60,000 individuals across 100 countries realize their potential. He frequently serves as a trusted media resource for outlets such as ABC, Fox Business, and Business Insider. You can join him at the milewalk Academy and catch him weekly for free Live Office Hours on his YouTube Channel.