
How To Ask Brilliant Questions To Make Smart Decisions

Any time you’ve made a poor decision, at least one of two things was wrong. You either had a faulty decision-making process or you didn’t have accurate or complete information. Anytime you’re asking questions (in a job interview or questioning someone as it relates to business), you can prepare yourself by first asking three questions: 1) What do I want to know and why is it important to me? 2) How will I ask it? 3) How and when will I use the information?

7 Thoughts on Our Worldwide Midlife Crisis

As I paid homage to our veterans on this Memorial Day, I started thinking about all they sacrificed to help ensure our world’s safety. This led to more thinking about our humanity, which led to more thinking. It seems to me no matter your age, we all appear to be part of a worldwide midlife crisis. Everyday, I study the behavior of individuals and companies, and it's a bit head scratching at what we—as a society—have become. Of course, it won’t surprise most; we've collectively dragged each other well below mediocrity in most aspects related to quality, service, and respect. I can't help but think a temporarily cheated destiny won't let us get away scot-free with this sustained behavior.

The 10 Most Valuable Life Skills Are Actually Choices

It is mind boggling to me people still stumble when it comes to being effective in their work and life. I say this because the ten most valuable life skills are actually choices. I couldn’t care less what God-given talents you have (or lack). It makes no difference how skilled or educated you are. (It really doesn’t and please don’t make me go get my statistics about performance and billionaires.) When it comes right down to it, most of what makes you successful in life are your choices. Your choices will always trump your circumstances.

5 Minutes of This Every Day Will Improve Your Life

One daily exercise I’ve practiced religiously is visualization. Five minutes of this every day will improve your life dramatically. But, you need to know what to visual and how. Imagine yourself at your “destination.” What’s it like? How does it feel? How does it sound? What will this end-state allow you to do?

7 Great “Mistakes” You Need to Make for Yourself

I’ve heard singers and songwriters share stories regarding how they produce their best songs when they channel their pain. Well, I can’t carry a tune to save my life, but I can write. I thought why not just go with that? What are some of the greatest, most painful mistakes I’ve ever made? Here are a few of my self-inflicted doozies—the ones you simply can’t simulate from someone else’s translation. Feel free to hurry up and make them. The sooner you do, the more time you’ll have to enjoy life!

The Ultimate 22-Year-Old’s Survival Guide for Work & Life

Writing several articles for recent college graduates and young professionals over the past few years has caused me to reflect on how I would have lived my life differently had someone provided me three decades worth of experience on day one of my first full-time job. I hope The Ultimate 22-Year-Old's Survival Guide for Work & Life will help the many young professionals get started down the right path!