
About Andrew LaCivita

An internationally recognized recruitment executive, author, and inspirational speaker, Andrew LaCivita is the founder and chief executive officer of milewalk, a prominent Chicago-based executive search firm. He is a trusted media resource and author of Interview Intervention, Out of Reach but in Sight, and The Hiring Prophecies, books aimed at helping people and companies realize their potential.

How to Evaluate a Job Offer

Ever get a job offer and think “Ooooh. All that money. I’m just gonna take it?” Not. So. Fast. Today, we are the sum total of the decisions of our yesterdays. Don’t get technical on me. Yes. I know some were born with a silver spoon. Others came from the school of hard knocks. Whoever you are. Wherever you started. You are a byproduct of your decisions. The longer term you think, the better short-term decisions you make that eventually pile up to a high mountain of long-term goodness!

How the Job Description Helps You Ace the Interview | Case Study in Advanced Techniques

Ever wonder what you can glean from the employer's job description right before your interview? A LOT! Join me for this very detailed walk-through of how to consider your situation, what to look for in the job description to know what the interviewer will ask, what job stories you should use, and exactly how to assemble the pieces of your interview answers!